Citizen Science
We are living in the era of Citizen Science, where anyone can contribute to our understanding of the world around them in meaningful ways. Projects that embrace citizen science volunteers are able to collect larger amounts of data across important landscapes with greater efficiency. The Conservancy has been working with Citizen Scientists on the Preserve since 2008 with great success.
If you are interested in joining the Conservancy-Preserve Citizen Science partnership there are two ongoing research projects: Where the Wildlife Wander (WWW) and the annual SOD Blitz.
Sudden Oak Death (SOD) Blitz
Since 2008, the Santa Lucia Conservancy has collaborated with the Garbelotto Lab at University of California Berkeley to study the spread of Sudden Oak Death on The Preserve. Learn more.
Where the Wildlife Wander
In 2014 the Conservancy and The Preserve community launched an ambitious multi-year Citizen Science program called Where the Wildlife Wander. Learn more.