The Santa Lucia Conservancy

The Santa Lucia Conservancy

The Santa Lucia Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit land trust incorporated in 1995 to conserve the ecological integrity of the protected lands within the Santa Lucia Preserve in Carmel, CA. We are dedicated to advancing the art and science of conservation-compatible development through adaptive land management, conservation easement stewardship, ecological research and environmental education programs.


The Conservancy actively manages the 18,000 acres of natural lands within The Preserve to protect and enhance their extraordinary ecological values. In addition, the Conservancy works with a variety of academic and environmental partners to conduct and promote ecological research that increases our understanding of the interactions between human communities and the natural environment.

Photo: Christy Fischer

Our Mission, Vision, and Values

The Santa Lucia Conservancy is dedicated to the stewardship of the unique natural resources of the Santa Lucia Preserve and to promoting human settlements that are ecologically sensitive. Learn more.

Meet our Staff

Our small and dynamic team is dedicated to conservation of the Santa Lucia Preserve. Learn more.

Photo: Lindsay Cope

Meet our Board

The Santa Lucia Conservancy Board of Governors is a blend of Preserve community members and at-large members who together bring expertise in the natural sciences, conservation, law, business and management. Learn more.