Survey informs update of Strategic Plan

September 26, 2023 Beautiful surroundings, a natural setting, community, and sustainability ranked as the most prized values of life on the Preserve, according to a survey conducted this summer. Those surveyed ranked wildfire mitigation and management as their highest environmental concern (71.6% identified this as important or extremely important), and a significant number expressed strong interest in participating in land […]

Berries of the Preserve

September 25, 2023 by Amanda Campos, Communications Intern Berries are loved by humans and animals alike. Conventionally, we use “berry” to describe any small, fleshy, and edible fruit. However, the botanical definition of a true berry is a fruit produced from one single flower with one ovary, typically having many seeds. So, scientifically speaking, bananas are berries, while strawberries are […]

Biodiversity Journey on the Preserve

The Santa Lucia Preserve is a microcosm of the Central Coast Bioregion, located 5 miles inland from Monterey Bay and encompassing 20,000 acres of the northern Santa Lucia Range. The habitat diversity, its varying topography and natural features – from perennial streams to mountainous terrains – give rise to 12 different habitats. This StoryMap will take you on a journey through 8 of The Preserve’s dominant habitats.